Kristian Mischke

[PDF Resume]

Problem-solver and thinker with over six years of experience in the industry. I enjoy video game development and am very passionate about utilizing AI and ML to help people with their data. I'm working towards a long-term goal of reforming education by bringing it up to speed with modern technology and learner-centric approaches.

Project Showcase:

Recurring Moment

Time-travel puzzle platformer video game developed for the Spring 2021 CMSC 493 Game Capstone Class at UMBC. Game mechanics are inspired by the feature film Primer (2004). Game developed in Unity 3D and C#. Alpha demoed at URCAD 2021

My Responsibilities:

  • Conceptualized, Pitched, and Prototyped original idea during the first 3 weeks of class.
  • Acted as Lead Designer and interfaced with the Art & Programming teams at weekly meetings.
  • Project management with SCRUM development sprints and burndown charts
  • Implemented core mechanics and sparse data structures to store time-travel data.

Schess: A Chess Battle-Royal Variant

Schess is a multiplayer battle-royal chess variant where players move their pieces simultaneously each turn and must fight using the modified rules to be the last player standing! The game is developed by a small team of 4 friends and is in prototype/alpha condition (feedback is much appreciated!)

My Responsibilities:

  • Acted as the Lead Programmer during and after a 48-hour game jam with three other friends.
  • Responsible for game-logic, and networking code using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) with Photon Unity Networking (PUN) in the Unity 3D game engine.

Data with a K

My Responsibilities:

  • Ideated data abstraction layer to handle different kinds of data.
  • Architectured data pipelining suite in Python backed by Cassandra and Redis.
  • Developed receipt processing API that stitches multiple receipt images together using OCR to extract receipt items and costs.
  • Accelerated knowledge of using Docker with Nvidia GPUs and AMD RoCM APUs for Machine Learning applications.
  • Implemented security standards with password rotation using Vault and authentication with Auth0 JWTs

Applying the Cascaded Finite State Grammar Induction Model to Trading Card Game Corpora

My Responsibilities:

  • Proposed the original idea for this final group project.
  • Implemented-with a group of 3 peers-a Grammar Induction algorithm in Python from an academic paper that uses a cascaded chunking algorithm with HMMs.
  • We analyzed model performance using perplexity, and we applied it to Trading Card Games like Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh! and others.

"Magic Random Gathering"

My Responsibilities:

  • Developed AI magic card generators combining text and image Generative AI.
  • Created modified BNF grammar for card generation until switching to GPT-3 when it was released.
  • Card art generation with VQGAN+CLIP and later Stable Diffusion and Midjourney
  • Printed hundreds of cards & played dozens of games, including at a local game store!


Web-app built for the Spring 2021 CMSC 447 Software Engineering class at UMBC. Enables users to easily set up forms for grouping people into different projects based on their interests and who they want to work with.

My Responsibilities:

  • AGILE and GitFlow frameworks for development sprints
  • Developed front-end form for setting up the GroupFormer project using Django, HTML, and JQuery.
  • Collaborated with teammates to develop algorithm for scoring participant groupings.
  • Integrated Django authentication to secure instructor's forms.

Drag'n'Drop Coding Tutorial Website

My Responsibilities: